Sunday 1st September: 22nd of the Year

Prelude: Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier (731) Bach. 
Missa Simile est regnum caelorum Victoria. 
Jubilate Deo (à 8) G. Gabrieli.
Caro mea A. Gabrieli. 
Allabreve in D major (589) Bach.

Lucis Creator II Gregorian chant. 
Magnificat Tone 4 Cima.
Adoramus te Christe II Rosselli. 
‘Little’ Fugue in G minor (578) Bach.


Sunday 8th September: 23rd of the Year

Paraphrase de la messe ‘Stelliferi conditor orbis’ Langlais.
Missa ad usum Cappellae Pontificiae A. Scarlatti.  
Salve Regina  Assandra.
O sacrum convivium Caldara.
Fantasie Op. 16 Franck.

Lucis Creator III Washington.
Magnificat Tone 7 à 5 Tallis.
Adoramus te Christe Aichinger.
Passacaglia in D minor (161) Buxtehude.


Sunday 15th September: 24th of the Year

Prelude: Nun ruhen alle Walder van Oortmerssen.  
Missa brevis Palestrina.
O Crux splendidior Philips.
O Jesu Christe Jacquet de Mantua.
Toccata in F major (540) Bach.

Lucis Creator I Russill.
Magnificat Tone 4 Lassus.
Per signum crucis Guerrero.
Fugue in F major (540) Bach.


Sunday 22nd September: 25th of the Year

Larghetto in F sharp minor S. S. Wesley. 
Missa brevis in D (194) Mozart.
Dixit Dominus Victoria.
Ave verum Byrd. 
Toccata on Pange lingua Bairstow.

Lucis Creator II Washington.
Magnificat Tone 4 Zacharia.
Adoramus te Christe (I) Perti.
Fugue in C (Choral Song & Fugue) S. S. Wesley.


Sunday 29th September: 26th of the year

Prelude: Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend (709) Bach.
Missa Ultimi miei sospiri Rosso.
Qusai cedrus exaltata sum Lassus.
Salvator mundi (I) Tallis.
Prelude: Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr (663) Bach.

Lucis Creator III Russill.
Magnificat Tone 3 Nanino.
Adoramus te Christe (II) Lotti.
Prelude: O Lamm Gottes unschuldig (656) Bach.