The Oratory’s group for young adults (aged 18-35) meets monthly, usually on Thursday evenings.
Meetings take place in St Wilfrid's Hall, the entrance to which is in the forecourt of Oratory House.

The hall opens at 7.45pm, with a talk at 8pm, and a social afterwards (with hot snacks and drinks) until 10pm.

Please note the age range for this group (18-35); if you are outside this bracket, there are many other parish groups and opportunities available, which are listed here.

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Upcoming Events

The following meeting is scheduled: please add it to your diary:


Monday 7th April: Pro-life Vigils and Buffer Zones: Why is the US Vice-President calling out the UK over arrested pro-lifers? (Lorcán Price, Alliance Defending Freedom International & Clare McCullough, Good Counsel Network)

Speaker Bios and Summary: Lorcán Price is a barrister at the Bar of Ireland and is Alliance Defending Freedom's International Legal Counsel. ADF have been advising the individuals recently arrested for silently praying in Buffer Zones. Why is it so important for Human rights that the authorities are challenged over these arrests? And why has it caught the attention of the Vice President? 

Clare McCullough is director and founder of the Good Counsel Network, a Catholic pro-life organisation which has supported over 3,000 abortion vulnerable women in choosing life for their babies. Will these women still be reachable with the new buffer zones in place?

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