Do you want to know more about the Catholic Church and her beliefs and practices? Do you want to come closer to God? Are you looking for the true meaning of life, why we are here, and where we are going? Each year we run a group to help with these and many other related enquiries. This is a course of instruction for those who wish to know more about Jesus Christ and the Church He founded.

Classes begin on Tuesday 7th October 2025 at 8pm, and meet every Tuesday at that time, for a total of 15 sessions. The course is mainly for those who desire to become Catholic (whether or not they are already baptised). Adult Catholics who are not yet confirmed and want to receive this Sacrament are also welcome. No need to register. Just bring this form with you.

Classes take place in St Joseph's Hall. The hall is located on the ground floor of the building on the left hand side of the courtyard adjacent to the Oratory Church, through the double red doors. Further details from the Oratory House (phone 020 7808 0900, email