From the FATHER Prefect of Music

Many of our friends kindly say how much they admire our musical tradition, which following the tradition of St Philip Neri is meant to assist the raising of mind and heart to God. On some great feasts this is accompanied by an orchestra or by period instruments. This was possible through a generous gift some years ago. Unfortunately this sum has now been exhausted and we need financial assistance if this is to continue. This is not a concert but a part of the worship of God, giving Him glory and praise. Although the Carol Service was well attended and supported we are also still in need of financial support for this popular preparation for Christmas.

The London Oratory is internationally recognised as one of the outstanding custodians of sacred music in the Catholic tradition. Solemn Latin Mass and Vespers are celebrated on all Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation in the year.  In particular, the great liturgies of Christmas, Holy Week and Easter attract packed-out congregations.

To serve the liturgy the Oratory Fathers have fostered a unique musical establishment, comprising three separate choirs plus a professional music staff.

Masses and other services regularly performed with choral and organ music:

6.30pm Benediction (Oratory Junior Choir)

6.00pm  First Mass of Sunday  (London Oratory School Schola)

10.00am Family Mass  (Oratory Junior Choir)
11.00am  Solemn Latin Mass  (Choir of the London Oratory)
3.30pm    Solemn Latin Vespers  (Choir of the London Oratory)

All holydays of obligation:
On the eve     5.30pm  Solemn First Vespers  (Choir of the London Oratory)
On the day    6.30pm      Solemn Latin Mass  (Choir of the London Oratory)